Pinky's Book Link

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas when the Kids are Grown Up.

Just like a true Christmas miracle we finally have a contract on the sale of our house.

Fingers crossed it will go through successfully in early February.

Woo-hoo, Gold Coast, watch out for the Poinkers!

When I’ve mentioned to people that Scotto and I are moving south next year, quite a few people have looked shocked.

“But what about your kids, Pinky?” they’ve demanded.

Usually, I sit there gasping for air, riddled with guilt at what a selfish mother I must be to abandon my babies like that and wonder what everyone must think of me.

But I’ve been thinking about it.

The thing is, my five ‘kids’ range in age from twenty-six to nineteen.

The baby of the family, Lulu, has nicked off to her boyfriend in Melbourne for Christmas and twenty-four year old Jonah, is celebrating Christmas in the big smoke as well. The other three are still in town and will be around for Christmas Day festivities but it’s not as if any of them cling to my apron strings. Purse strings maybe, but not apron strings.

Every single one of my kids has been on at least one overseas holiday this year and I can assure you I wasn’t invited to accompany any of them. Half the time they don't even tell me they're going. I find out afterwards when they present me with a snow globe from Hong Kong.

My ‘kids’ wouldn’t bat an eyelid at moving cities without me, if the opportunity arose.

I’ve told them all they can come with us when we move but strangely they’re not at all interested.

I think it’s something to do with the fact they’ve grown up to be secure, self-sufficient, well-balanced individuals who have interesting lives full of wonderful friends and passions of their own.

They don’t NEED me anymore.

But that’s not something we as parents should grieve over.

It’s proof we did our job properly, don’t you think?

I’ll miss them of course but you really can’t live your life for your kids. That would be too stifling for them.

Besides, my other five, hairy babies (see above) give me all the slobbery cuddles I need when I'm feeling lonely.

While you're here, I'd like to thank you for being such an interactive reader of my blog this year. You make it all worthwhile, I mean it. I hope with all my heart that you and your family have a very happy and safe Christmas.

Best wishes and love,

Pinky xxx