Instead of being woken up by the inane banter of radio jocks (why are they doing visual jokes on the radio now… it’s radio, don’t they realise we can’t see anything?) when the alarm went off this morning, I was roused by a Chihuahua tongue slurping up my nostril and the delightful sound of a full cup of coffee being placed on my bedside table by Scotto.
The school holidays could not have come at a more fitting time for Mrs Cranky Pants Poinker.
The ill-tempered, grouch-cloud encircling my persona over the last few weeks was explained to me in an article I just read in this morning’s Saturday paper.
“Older workers are grumpy, complain too much and don’t like being told what to do,” according to a survey of bosses by the Australian Human Rights Commission.
I hadn’t realised what a cantankerous crone I’ve been over the last few weeks until my forthright friend Emmsie warily asked me on Monday, “So Pinky, are you in a better mood today or are you going to snap our heads off all week again?”
Ohhh… I thought. Is that why I’ve been getting the feeling everyone has been avoiding me.
Come to think of it, Scotto has made a few comments of a similar ilk.
I even managed to put the boss offside with a strident, public whinge about having to miss out on lunch one day.
(David Attenborough voiceover)
In the wild the Pinky Grizzly Bear becomes very territorial around its food and has been known to quite literally tear another animal apart in its hunger.
If I desire to remain in marital bliss, preserve frail friendships and maintain my current employment it seems I must take therapeutic action.
Therefore I have sensibly decided to run away from home.
On Monday I’m flying the coop and heading down to spend time with my parents who snap at each other all the time and will make me feel completely sane.
When you’re feeling old hang around with older people is my plan of thinking.
Mind you... Grandad doesn't exactly act old!