Pinky's Book Link

Thursday, August 1, 2013

There was an Old Woman who had an Infection.

There was an old woman who had an infection

I don’t know why she had an infection perhaps she had a predilection.

There was an old woman who swallowed antibiotics

She swallowed the antibiotics to kill the infection

I don’t know why she had an infection

But it paled her complexion.

There was an old woman who used an asthma puffer

The asthma came on from the antibiotics,

She took the antibiotics to cure the infection

I don’t know why she had an infection…

a bodily imperfection?

There was an old woman who took iron tablets

She took the tablets to fix her heart flutters

She got from the Puffer she took for her asthma

She got from her pills she took for her infection.

I don’t know why she had an infection

It needs circumspection.

There was an old woman who got constipated

She got this way through the iron medication

She took for her heart that was all a flutter

From the puffer she used to cure her asthma

She got from her pills she used for her infection

I don’t know why she got an infection

It needs reflection.

There was an old woman who took some laxatives

She needed to cure her constipation

She acquired from iron she took on location

To fix her annoying heart palpitations

That came from the puffer to improve aspiration

That she needed for the asthma which was the causation

That she got from the pills which were the allocation

From the doctor to fight an aggravation…

An infection which caused her much agitation...

Perhaps she just needed fumigation.

But now she feels monumental frustration

That nothing  results in exultation

And perhaps she should forget this abomination

And drown her sorrows in fermentation.

Or perhaps she’ll just die.