Zebra Patterned Tufted-Tit |
K is for Kinky Feathered Friends
According to Wikipedia, "Jizz, is the indefinable quality of a particular species, the 'vibe' it gives off". It stems from the word, gist.
What did you think it meant? A type of improvised music played on saxophones and trombones and mispronounced by New Zealanders?
As in, "Let's go to the Jizz Club, Bro! It'll be fully sick, Bro!"
It’s a ‘birding’ term really which is most often used by bird watchers. I’ve become an amateur bird-watcher, you know, although I’m not sure if there are any actual professional bird watchers in the field. I’ve never met one anyway.
When we sit on the veranda in our new ornithological paradise, drinking wine and discussing world issues, I often suss out the ‘jizz’ of random birds who alight on our electricity wires.
“That’s a red-crested flommity jibbet,” I’ll say casually to Scotto. “I can tell by its unique call. Or perhaps it’s a Pygmy Nutsack… I’m not sure.”
He believes me every time. I can’t trick him on magpies though. He knows they aren’t really called Piebald Bushtits, Hoary Smews or Suited Dickcissels and he gets very angry at me because the magpie is one of the ONLY birds he can identify and he won’t have a bar of my rubbish.
We have a bird that whistles the tune of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It starts up about 5:00 am, just after the bloody Kookaburras. Sometimes the Close Encounter bird misses the very last note. Dee-da-doo-da…??? I’m left with an earworm for the rest of the day.
We also have the 'Microwave Bird' who sounds like our microwave beep and sends me racing into the kitchen every five seconds to see what I’ve burned.
There’s also the 'Telephone Bird' and the 'Bing Bong' bird, both fairly irritating after a few hours of them.
I must add I’m not really a bird expert yet. I’m still in the early learning phase.
“God, those black ducks quacking up in the tree were annoying me this morning!” I complained to Scotto yesterday.
"They were crows, Pinky,” he sighed. “Not ducks.”
If you know me well, you would be aware that I have a phobia of crows because I believe they are the messengers from Hell. I was horrified.
NB: For some reason, when I looked up ‘Jizz’ on the Internet, a considerable number of porn sites inexplicably came up on Google. Weird, huh?? I wonder if they’ve been making porn movies with birds in them? I wouldn't be surprised with the rude names some of them have. Tell you what, I’ll do some research on it and get back to you later.
What did you think it meant? A type of improvised music played on saxophones and trombones and mispronounced by New Zealanders?
As in, "Let's go to the Jizz Club, Bro! It'll be fully sick, Bro!"
It’s a ‘birding’ term really which is most often used by bird watchers. I’ve become an amateur bird-watcher, you know, although I’m not sure if there are any actual professional bird watchers in the field. I’ve never met one anyway.
When we sit on the veranda in our new ornithological paradise, drinking wine and discussing world issues, I often suss out the ‘jizz’ of random birds who alight on our electricity wires.
“That’s a red-crested flommity jibbet,” I’ll say casually to Scotto. “I can tell by its unique call. Or perhaps it’s a Pygmy Nutsack… I’m not sure.”
He believes me every time. I can’t trick him on magpies though. He knows they aren’t really called Piebald Bushtits, Hoary Smews or Suited Dickcissels and he gets very angry at me because the magpie is one of the ONLY birds he can identify and he won’t have a bar of my rubbish.
We have a bird that whistles the tune of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It starts up about 5:00 am, just after the bloody Kookaburras. Sometimes the Close Encounter bird misses the very last note. Dee-da-doo-da…??? I’m left with an earworm for the rest of the day.
We also have the 'Microwave Bird' who sounds like our microwave beep and sends me racing into the kitchen every five seconds to see what I’ve burned.
There’s also the 'Telephone Bird' and the 'Bing Bong' bird, both fairly irritating after a few hours of them.
I must add I’m not really a bird expert yet. I’m still in the early learning phase.
“God, those black ducks quacking up in the tree were annoying me this morning!” I complained to Scotto yesterday.
"They were crows, Pinky,” he sighed. “Not ducks.”
If you know me well, you would be aware that I have a phobia of crows because I believe they are the messengers from Hell. I was horrified.
NB: For some reason, when I looked up ‘Jizz’ on the Internet, a considerable number of porn sites inexplicably came up on Google. Weird, huh?? I wonder if they’ve been making porn movies with birds in them? I wouldn't be surprised with the rude names some of them have. Tell you what, I’ll do some research on it and get back to you later.
What's your favourite bird? (I know, dumbest question ever.)